As we age, it’s important to be proactive about scheduling regular check-ups, routine blood work, and other tests, so that your doctor can keep an eye out for any serious medical conditions.
The Role of the Nurse in Palliative Care
Palliative care is appropriate for anyone suffering from a serious illness.
Geriatric Nursing Care in the Acute Hospital Setting
The typical hospital ward is a disorienting environment that fosters dependency and exposes patients to considerable risk. It has been found that elderly individuals in acute care have a 36% more likelihood of acquiring a hospital-based infection than their non-elderly counterparts while in an acute setting.
Nursing Home Wound Care
Wound care can be the result of surgical wounds, pressure and stasis ulcers, problems with bowel and urinary incontinence, as well as improper care in a nursing home.
Qualities of a Good Home Nursing Agency
Finding quality in-home nursing care means asking the right questions. These 6 questions will guide you in your search to find the best home nursing agency.