Researchers are trying to develop immunotherapies as a more effective means of treating breast cancer. See what obstacles they have to overcome here.
Dental Tips for Seniors
As you age, it is important to pay more attention to dental health and keep your teeth in good condition. Seniors become increasingly prone to cavities due to a variety of illnesses and dry mouth. Thankfully, there are a variety of ways to take care of your teeth as you age and prevent unwanted problems […]
Keeping a Work-Life Balance
Nurses work long hours and have some of the most stressful jobs, which is why it is so important for them to find that balance.
September Officially Recognized as Pain Awareness Month
Since 2001, the American Chronic Pain Association has claimed September as Pain Awareness Month. Members of ACPA have worked tirelessly to raise awareness of pain and pain management. Now, their efforts are yielding results. This year, the California Senate recognized September as Pain Awareness Month. In approving this measure, the California Senate asks all Californians […]
The Legacy Goes On
The Bay Area lost a gem when Random Acts of Flowers (RAF) closed. Now, three organizations have stepped up to continue the legacy of RAF in the Bay.
BCC Launches Spanish Language Breast Cancer Support Group
Bay Area Cancer Connections (BCC) is an organization that provides resources and support for anyone affected by breast or ovarian cancer. BCC offers a multitude of services and programs, which include: Emotional Support. BCC offers compassionate support groups and counselling to help you on your journey. Information and Practical Help. This organizations offers an entire […]