In a recent study from the University of Illinois, researchers investigated how upper respiratory infections trigger MS relapses.
Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month
In recognition of August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month, we are sharing information on some eye diseases that children are susceptible to and some of their warning signs.
In Recognition of Breastfeeding Week
From August 1st to 7th, Breastfeeding Week is recognized worldwide to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. In the United States, August is also recognized as National Breastfeeding Month. This year’s theme is “Charting the Course Together”, which is intended to put a focus on how we can use data […]
How Exercise Can Improve Your Work Life
There is more to exercise than just the physical benefits. A regular exercise routine can have a positive impact on the way we feel, think, and act.
How to Minimize a Child’s Stress During a Hospital Stay
Whether it is planned or unplanned, spending time in the hospital can be stressful—especially for children—and the stresses of a hospital visit can negatively affect recovery. It’s important to prepare your child for the medical care he or she will receive and relieve your child’s stress. Here are a few ways to ease your child’s […]