Do you know about the cause and symptoms of shingles? Learn more about this painful disease here, including treatment plans.
Home Care Nursing: Diabetic Foot Care
Millions of people across the U.S. are living with diabetes, which can have associated complications, including peripheral neuropathy.
Outsourcing in Healthcare
The prevalence and trends of outsourcing has grown in recent years and will continue to climb.
Geriatric Nursing Care in the Acute Hospital Setting
The typical hospital ward is a disorienting environment that fosters dependency and exposes patients to considerable risk. It has been found that elderly individuals in acute care have a 36% more likelihood of acquiring a hospital-based infection than their non-elderly counterparts while in an acute setting.
Geriatric Nursing: Paying Close Attention to Detail
In order to ensure optimal care for our geriatric population, nurses and healthcare professionals alike should be proficient in looking out for signs and symptoms of diseases in the early stages.
Insight into Alzheimer’s Disease Care
Learn about the best care options for the early and late stages of Alzheimer’s disease.