Geriatric Nursing, California You know nursing is the best when patients truly miss you on your rest days. To see tears and warm smiles lets you know you are missed and loved as much as you love them. Nursing is a giving and sharing state of mind.
Whitney, RN
Emergency Nursing, Kentucky Never stop advocating for your your patients.
Linda, RN
School Nursing, Vermont Don’t shy away from anything. If the chance is there to learn then learn it.
Tanya, RN
Emergency Nursing, California
Shelley, RN
Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing, Oklahoma You need to be passionate and caring. It’s not just a job. Your patients are your family. Treat them with dignity and Grace. They need your help, to help grow, heal, die.
Alex, RN
Emergency Nursing, California Never stop asking questions! Ever, ever, ever.