That’s a wrap! Our 2020 #CelebrateNurses Giveaway has ended, but you can still celebrate a nurse in your life.
That’s a wrap! Our 2020 #CelebrateNurses Giveaway has ended, but you can still celebrate a nurse in your life.
That’s a wrap! Our 2020 #CelebrateNurses Giveaway has ended, but you can still celebrate a nurse in your life.
2020 Winners
This year, we asked people across the US to share inspiring stories of nurses in their lives, and the response was overwhelming. Three lucky nurses and the people that nominated them won gift card prizes as part of the celebration.

Paula Landman, RN, MSN, CPON, Oncology
Nominated by Rachel Faulkner, wife of former patient | Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Paula has almost 20 years experience in Oncology and has earned Excellence Awards in her specialty. As evident by this nomination, Nurse Paula is beloved by her patients.

Jennifer Accarino, RN, Intensive Care Unit
Nominated by JoAnn Giarraputo, Aunt | Sandy Springs, Georgia
As an ICU Nurse, Jenny is right on the frontlines of COVID-19, where she continues to do everything in her power for her patients. Her Aunt notes that Jenny is “exhausted, inspired, determined and yes afraid.”

Brittney Fox-Knapp, RN, Emergency Room
Nominated by Alyssa Fox, Sister | Sacramento, California
As an ER Nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic, Brittney is stepping up and giving her all to her patients, with support from her family and friends.
Why we celebrate
Nurses are hard-working, inspiring, and everyday heroes. From our first breaths, and in every medical situation, a nurse is standing by our side.
Every year, NurseRegistry celebrates the efforts of all nurses during National Nurses Week. In May 2020, we launched the #CelebrateNurses campaign in recognition of National Nurses Month and the World Health Organization‘s designation of 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife.”
We received an overwhelmingly positive response, and we are happy to share that we are going to #CelebrateNurses all year long. We hope that you you’ll join us by sharing the story of a nurse that inspires you!
Celebrate a nurse today
Share an inspirational story about a nurse in your life, and we’ll include your story on this page and across our social media accounts. You’re welcome to nominate a nurse who is a friend, family member, fellow nurse, or workplace colleague.
Read their stories
Leaving Her Struggles at the Door to Care for Others
Nurse Brandy, Lakewest Hospital
Nominated by Flam Bacinski
She inspires me by having the strength to get up every day and go to work, even working overtime some days. Even though she has her struggles, she leaves those at the door to take care of others.
Dedicated to Nursing and Her Family
Nurse Ciera, St. Anthony's Health Center
Nominated by Elizabeth Hicken
Ciera is my niece. She started as an LPN and went on to become a Registered Nurse while getting married, having two children, and getting her Bachelor's of Nursing. She is dedicated to her nursing profession and to her family. This to be is so important to be able to balance your life especially in the COVID 19 pandemic. It is very scary for her and all nurses to go to work every day and then come home to their family and worry about bring the virus home.
Husband is Cancer Survivor and She's Taking Extra Shifts
Nurse Jill, Husband is Cancer Survivor and She's Taking Extra Shifts
Nominated by Barbara Brown
Jill is a hard-working dedicated nurse. Her husband is a cancer survivor, so she moved out of her house and has been staying with her daughter since March, so she doesn't bring the virus home. She has been working additional shifts as some of the nurses have been sick with the virus.
Working Compassionately with the Forgotten Patients
Nurse Sophia, Eastern Hospital
Nominated by Melanie Trahan
Sophia inspires me because she works compassionately with the forgotten patients, those suffering with mental illness. It takes a special person with an incredible amount of patience and Sophia's patients are fortunate to have her on their team.
Fulfills All Her Hats with Love
Nurse Maricela, Los Angeles County-Hudson Urgent Care, California
Nominated by Sajhal Bautista
She is a grandmother, mother, daughter, sister, and registered nurse. And fulfills all her hats with dedication and love. She is inspirational, works hard, and deserves a lot.
Type 1 Diabetes, Double Masking, and Caring for Others
Nurse Jeanine, Parkhouse Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Nominated by Christina Cohen
I nominate my friend Jeanine O'Donnell who is an LPN and works at Parkhouse Nursing and Rehabilitation in Royersford, Pa. She has been working overtime and getting mandated to stay at work because many of her employees are sick with COVID-19 as well as the patients. (She works at a senior living center.) She has type 1 diabetes so it is more dangerous for her. And missing work IS NOT AN OPTION!! She has been double masking and taking as many precautions as she can. She even has her 16-year-old son staying on the second floor of their home while she stays on the first floor, to keep him as safe as possible. She is definitely my hero and I'm proud to call her my good friend. ❤❤
Lead District Nurse Keeping Students Healthy
Nurse Melanie, Mountain View School District, California
Nominated by Melanie Domantay
Jen is such an inspiration! As a lead district nurse, she oversees her schools and also assists the other two district nurses to ensure the needs of the students are met. Prior to SIP, she led the team in enforcing policies that would ensure we would be keeping the students healthy. Though we are not physically in school right now, she is leading us in putting together protocols to ensure when we go back to school, we keep everyone healthy and safe! For example, she has the idea of putting together health videos to be shown to students regarding hand washing. Education is very important at this time so we can keep ourselves healthy. She is passionate about public health and it shows in her compassion and work ethic!
Moral Support During Difficult Times
Nurse Corrinne, Children's Hospital of Detroit, Michigan
Nominated by Corrinne Ann Veruce
Corrinne is the future of nursing, of our young brave, and caring new generation of nurses.
From RN to NP
Nurse Jenna, Pediatrics
Nominated by Janine Hwang
She went from RN to NP and loves kids.
Quick-thinking and Caring
Nurse Jill, HCA Wesley, Kansas
Nominated by Larry Bryant
Jill is a 33-year-old super quick thinking, caring, and extremely skilled labor and delivery nurse.
She is My Hero
Nurse DuAnn, Nursing Home
Nominated by Maureen Petz
DuAnn was a nurse in the pandemic from the very beginning. Her facility was the epicenter of the virus. She was physically and emotionally exhausted every day. She is my hero.
Always Taking Care of Others
Nurse Laura, Med Star Hospital, Maryland
Nominated by Lisa Walinski
Laura is like a second daughter to me. I’ve watched her grow up to become a wonderful nurse. She’s always been caring of others, with her being on the front lines, she makes sure her patients are well cared for!
Endless Hours Fighting COVID with a Smile on Her Face
Nurse Nikki, Vidant Medical Center, North Carolina
Nominated by Annette Campbell
The long hours that she puts in a work. She is very personable, caring and compassionate to staff and patients. They often look forward to seeing her daily. Though she is putting her heart and dedication towards her work. She still has time to spend with family! Very selfless and giving individual who I feel deserves to win.
Selfless and Caring
Nurse Shenite, Fresenius Medical Care, California
Nominated by Sheala Lacangan
The long hours that she puts in a work. She is very personable, caring and compassionate to staff and patients. They often look forward to seeing her daily. Though she is putting her heart and dedication towards her work. She still has time to spend with family! Very selfless and giving individual who I feel deserves to win.
I Never Met Someone So Kind, Dedicated, and Patient
Nurse Paula, St. Mary's Hospital
Nominated by Elizabeth Ruiz
Paula inspires me because I see her passion. I’ve never met someone who is so kind, loving, dedicated, patient, and empathetic. You see she loves what she does and gives it her all. We need more nurses like her.
Loves Working with People
Nurse David, Mission Hospital
Nominated by Maria Gentry
He loves working with people and really cares about them!
Brave but Scared, Exhausted but Inspired
Nurse Jenny, Northside Main Hospital, Georgia
Nominated by JoAnn Giarraputo
Jenny is my niece. She did her undergrad at Auburn and then went back to Troy U to become a nurse. Last year she completed more training to become an ICU nurse. This past February she married and ease planning a honeymoon. Then two weeks later COVID hit her hospital in a big way. She was scared but selfless. She was working 12-hour shifts 4 days in a row. And finally one day she found her strength, and she did not want to leave her patients alone. She would go home and wanted to go back the next day even if she was not scheduled. She is brave enough to admit she is scared but dedicated enough to do everything in her power to heal her patients and be with them when their families cannot. There is no honeymoon. That will happen even the world is normal again. For her, it is a mission to send everyone home. She is exhausted, inspired, determined, and yes afraid. She fulfills her oath with grit, determination, and love.